Diocesan Parish Partnership ministry took on new life in mid-2014 with the collaborative vision of the Diocese, Anglicare Victoria and the Brotherhood of St Laurence creating the position of Archdeacon for Diocesan Partnerships.

What is Partnership?

Good partnership is an appreciation of needing one another to do something good together. Partnership is a COMMUNAL PROCESS, for the good of community. For the parishes and church agencies our core communal starting point is about the fulfilment of life found in Jesus Christ, and thus……

To notice human need, as Christ notices need,
and serve that need for the flourishing of human lives and community life.

What does it look like for a parish?

For a faith community, it is about recognising particular unmet needs through a prayerful and strategic process, and then developing resources to serve that need. The Parish Partnerships collaboration (Diocese, Anglicare Vic and the Brotherhood of St Laurence) has developed community discernment processes, as well as building on existing practices of working with parishes in the community.

There is also the reality that partnering may not be local and geographic. Many parishes collect food items for communities the other side of Melbourne. Some parishes extend their involvement to sponsoring welfare and social justice initiatives with financial and people resources. Many volunteer through the agencies, working with the vital programmes both Anglicare and the Brotherhood take on. Noticing need is about where need is…..

Some examples of community ministry together

  • Emergency Relief and Anglicare – there are several parishes involved in this vital care of those in urgent need. Anglicare Victoria Parish partnership page for list of parishes involved.
  • The “Dream Stitches” Sewing Group, Box Hill Parish with Anglicare, and now other community partners with the Louise Multicultural Centre.
  • The Homework Club for refugees – a long standing collaboration between Surfcoast Anglican Parish, Corio-Norlane parish, Anglicare Vic, Geelong Grammar and Kardinia College.
  • Long standing ministry with the homeless and disadvantaged of inner Melbourne – St Peter’s parish and St Mark’s parish, and Anglicare.
  • Christmas gift gathering for distribution by Anglicare or BSL.
  • Anglicare Victoria Partnership Group network – this newly created network comprises of small groups of people, parish based, with commitment and passion to support the work of Anglicare.

How to begin

How do we begin a dialogue as a parish who wants to explore serving community need, and possible partnering?

Exactly that – start a conversation. Contact:

Richard Bruce
Co-ordinator Diocesan and Parish Partnerships
(03) 9653 4257