Life Events

Baptism, at its most practical level, means gaining membership to the Church. There would be few Anglicans or Christians however, who would regard Baptism as only that. Baptism is a sacrament where God is at work, an outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible action in which God engages, as the person being baptised makes promises in the way that they seek to live and are then washed in the waters of baptism. This marks the beginning of a new relationship with God and the person who has been baptised.

The prayer book teaches that marriage in the Anglican Church is the union of a man and a woman in a lifelong partnership in which they are called to unite in heart, mind and body, to enrich and respond to each other and grow in tenderness and understanding. It is a gift from God and a symbol of God’s unending love for his people.

A Christian funeral marks the ending of a human life on earth in memory and hope. A funeral gives people the opportunity to give thanks for a person’s life and remember who they were for those who knew them. It helps people say goodbye and commend the person into God’s hands.