The Diocesan Corporation

The business services of the Diocese are provided under the leadership of Mr Malcom Tadgell, the Registrar of the Melbourne Anglican Diocesan Corporation Ltd (the MADC).   

The Diocesan Corporation was incorporated in 2015 pursuant to the Melbourne Anglican Diocesan Corporation Act 2015, with the following functions:

  • To serve as the employer of employees in the Diocese.
  • To serve as the legal appointor and, for WorkCover purposes, the deemed employer of clergy.
  • To exercise other functions conferred by various Acts of Synod, including the retainer of the professional standards company, Kooyoora Ltd.
  • To be the responsible legal entity for claims against the diocese arising from misconduct of its Church workers, including claims for redress or damages.

It has further special responsibilities in the following areas:

  • Payroll
  • Leave management and leave payment
  • Workers’ compensation and other accident insurance
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Return to work
  • Taxation, superannuation

Business Services

The Registrar of the Diocese is accountable to the Archbishop and, through the Archbishop, to the Synod.  The Registrar’s office provides high level support services across the Diocese and provides leadership in relation to day-to-day business oversight.

The Registrar leads the business activities that support the critical work done across the Episcopate and Parishes.

Reporting to the Registrar is a highly capable team who can be contacted via

Malcolm Tadgell

Pauline Caruana
Head of Synod Arrangements & Registry Services

Rick Bottiglieri 
Chief Information Officer

Samantha Caldwell
Intrim Head of People and Culture

Stephen Kendall
Head of Finance

Penny Mulvey
Head of Communications

Steve Richardson
Head of Property Services