Professional Standards Review Panel
On 10 June 2021, the Archbishop in Council moved to adopt the Terms of Reference for the Professional Standards Review Panel in order to review the operation of the Professional Standards Uniform Act 2016 (the PSUA) in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne (ADOM). The Panel’s terms of reference included whether the overriding purposes of the PSUA remain appropriate and, if they are, how they may best be achieved. The first of these purposes is to enable complaints to be dealt with justly, quickly and inexpensively. The second was to regulate fitness for each of (i) ministry and (ii) service otherwise than in the ministry.
The Panel was chaired by retired Supreme Court judge The Honourable David Harper AM and provided its report to the Archbishop in Council on 1 April 2022. The recommendations included are now being considered by the Archbishop in Council members.
The Panel members were Hon David Harper AM (Chair), Ms Karen Hogan, Ms Dianne Shay, Ms Seak-King Huang, The Right Reverend Andrew Curnow, Venerable Heather Patacca, Mr David Bartlett, Venerable George Hemmings.
The Archbishop in Council extends their appreciation to all people who made a submission to assist with the review process and the generosity of the Review Panel members who gave of their time and expertise.
How to make a complaint and report misconduct
If you wish to/are required to make a complaint or report about clergy or Church officers, including Regional Bishops, in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, click here. If you wish to make a complaint about the Archbishop of Melbourne, please refer to Episcopal Standards.
Safe Ministry Training
It is a condition of every new licence or permission to officiate issued by the Archbishop that at least once every 3 years clergy attend Safe Ministry Training (previously known as Professional Standards Seminars) as part of holding a clearance within the Diocese. Lay workers (volunteers and employees) are also required to undertake this training.
Details about safe ministry training can be found here.
The Diocese offers survivors the choice of proceeding through either the National Redress Scheme, the Kooyoora Independent Redress Scheme or such other means as they may be advised.
Legislation and other resources
See the Resources pages on the website of the Kooyoora Office of Professional Standards for the Diocese of Melbourne.I