Safe Ministry Training


 All clergy and lay position holders (church workers including volunteers) must undertake safe ministry training.  

This is a key element in our framework for keeping our churches safe.

Professional Standards Child Safe Training

The safe ministry training program is new (released September 2021) and regardless of whether a Professional Standards Seminar or other child safety/safe ministry training has been previously undertaken in the past 3 years, all clergy and lay position holders must undertake this appropriate level/s of training as soon as possible.  If this was not completed by the 28th February 2022 as requested, please email to seek an extension.  

The safe ministry training takes into account the Diocese’s compliance requirements including:

    • Safe Ministry to Children Canon
    • Professional Standards Uniform Act
    • Faithfulness in Service
    • Child protection legislation
    • OH&S
    • Victorian Child Safe Standards

The courses offer basic level training for all church workers in the concepts of safe ministry and additional training for those responsible for the implementation of Diocesan safe ministry requirements in Parishes and Authorised Anglican Congregations (AACs). The training is provided by Creating Safer Communities and is available online.  To enquire about in-person group training for parishes, please contact

Click here for a flyer with more information to help your continued implementations of safe ministry training including for people who have experienced trauma.

This training covers sensitive topics including abuse which may be distressing. Please feel free to take a break during the training and speak to your vicar, a counsellor, a trusted friend, or seek other external support such as 1800 RESPECT or Lifeline.

Table of Contents

Training for Clergy and Authorised Ministers ONLY (not for volunteers) – ADOM Safe Ministry (Level 1 & Level 2 combined)

A course to develop awareness of Child Safety and the Diocesan Safe Ministry policy, protocols, procedures, and practices. The training includes biblical foundations, healthy team ministry, screening, boundaries, code of conduct, duty of care, empowering children, identifying and responding to concerns, reducing the risks of child abuse, caring for all parties and self-care as church workers.

The cost for this course is $35. Click here to make the payment and then follow these instructions to register for the course. 

Training for Volunteers – Safe Ministry Essentials (Level 1)

A two-hour course for volunteer and lay position holders to develop awareness of the Diocesan Safe Ministry policy, protocols, procedures, and practices. The training includes biblical foundations, healthy team ministry, screening, boundaries, code of conduct, duty of care, responding to concerns and self-care as church workers. The cost for Level 1 is $20. 

If you are paying for the course yourself, click here to make the payment and then follow these instructions to register for the course.  If your parish is paying for the course, please ask them for details of how to register. Instructions for parishes who wish to make payments are found here.

Training for Volunteers – Safe Ministry With Children & Young People (Level 2)

A two-hour course for all children and youth volunteers to develop awareness of Child Safety.  This course includes empowering children, identifying, and responding to concerns (risk of harm), reducing the risks of child abuse, and caring for all parties. Level 2 training is available as an eTraining course. The cost for Level 2 is $15.

If you are paying for the course yourself, click here to make the payment and then follow these instructions to register for the course.  If your parish is paying for the course, please ask them for details of how to register. Instructions for parishes who wish to make payments are found here.

Training for all Clergy, Authorised Ministers and Senior Leaders – Safe Ministry Implementation for Senior Leaders (Level 3)

A course for all Clergy, Authorised Ministers, Parish Council members, Child Safe Officers and Ministry Program Coordinators aimed at working through the implementation of Diocesan Safe Ministry Policy, Protocols and Procedures. This training will be offered via Zoom . The cost for Level 3 is $15. 

Please click here to be directed to Trybooking for available session dates/times and to register.

User Guides and Training Helpline

User guides (updated 01.09.22) are available with information about accessing and using the online training for individuals here and for parishes here. Please note that Level 1 and 2 training has moved to a new training platform on 1st September 2022 and all training previously commenced in Open Learning must be completed by 5pm on 2nd September 2022. If you are still having problems with access or use of the online training systems after consulting the guides, please call the Helpline on 1800 070 511 or email and one of the Creating Safer Communities staff will assist.

Guides and Handouts for running parish facilitated group training